The Rising of the Shield Hero anime series, also known as Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari. This series has won the hearts of anime fans all over the world. The anime is based on a light novel of the same name, which was published in 2013.
This anime series is so popular because of its captivating story, well-developed characters, and superb animation. Here, we will be discussing how many episodes are in The Rising of the Shield Hero anime along with all the seasons so far.
How many episodes are in The Rising of the Shield Hero Season 1 ?
The first season of The Rising of the Shield Hero anime premiered on January 9, 2019, and ended on June 26, 2019. The Rising of the Shield Hero Season 1 has a total of 25 episodes. Each episode of the series has a runtime of approximately 24 minutes.
The first season of the series introduces the main character, Naofumi Iwatani, a collage student who is transported to a parallel world where he becomes the SHIELD hero and fights against monsters and villains to save the of people of this world.
How many episodes are in The Rising of the Shield Hero Season 2 ?
The second season of The Rising of the Shield Hero anime premiered on April 6, 2022, and ended on June 29, 2022. The Rising of the Shield Hero Season 2 has a total of 13 episodes. And the runtime of each episode is around 24 minutes.
The second season of the anime continues the story of Naofumi Iwatani, as he faces new challenges, increases his powers, and battles new villains to save the world. After the end of season 2, shield hero fans are eagerly waiting for its Season 3.
The Rising of the Shield Hero Plot
The main character of The Rising of the Shield Hero anime series is Naofumi Iwatani, a young boy who lives his daily life like a normal person. One day he goes to a library to read a book and there he finds a book called “The Records of the Four Cardinal Weapons”, Naofumi reads that book and while reading it he is transported to a different world. And in that world there are 3 more people transports apart from Naofumi which are from a different parallel world.
All four characters are teleported into this world and receive Legendary Equipment, with the three characters receiving a Sword, a Spear, a Bow, and Naofumi receives a Legendary Shield. And they become one of the cardinal heroes who protect the people of that world by fighting the monsters and new villains.
As the story progresses, Naofumi meets a half-human girl named Raphtalia, who he buys from a slave trader. And then together they tackle the next challenge and protect that world from the monsters.
Naofumi only gets Legendary Shield, so he can only defend himself. The story goes on to tell how Naofumi, along with Raphtalia, tackles new challenges and increases their power levels.
Where to watch The Rising of the Shield Hero anime
The Rising of the Shield Hero anime series is currently licensed in North America by Crunchyroll. This anime series is available on many online streaming platforms. So you can watch The Rising of the Shield Hero anime on Crunchyroll, Funimation, and Netflix. Any anime fans who want to watch the first two seasons of this series can watch it on these platforms.
The Rising of the Shield Hero is an engrossing anime series that is packed with action. Which has gained a huge fan following among anime fans all over the world. The anime has two seasons, with the first season containing 25 episodes and the second season containing 13 episodes.
Including both the seasons, there are a total of 38 episodes in this series. You can watch this anime series online on Crunchyroll, Funimation and Netflix. The series has become a must-watch anime for anime fans due to its well-developed plot, relatable characters, and superb animation.
Sources :- Myanimelist
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